Preliminary information and pre-lodgement meeting
We offer pre-lodgement service to help you understand planning controls and the development assessment process.
We can provide preliminary information on planning matters associated with properties and development proposals before you start work on your Development Application (DA).
The purpose of pre-lodgement services is to provide you with an opportunity to seek information, and for Council officers to discuss key issues relevant to the assessment of your proposal, prior to lodging a DA.
You may also consider engaging a planning consultant or similar professional to assist you through the process, particularly for large or complex proposals.
One of the advantages of attending a pre-lodgement meeting in the early stages of preparing a DA is that issues can be identified and information can be provided to Council to address these issues, which means a faster, simpler assessment process later.
Help for businesses
If you are setting up or expanding a business, Council's Economic Development Team can help you develop your business concept before you lodge your Development Application or by contacting Service NSW Easy-to-do-Business.
We can help you.