In February 2021, Council engaged Micromex Research, to undertake a follow-up community survey to one held in 2016. The feedback from both surveys has been compared to identify areas of improvement, ongoing issues of concern and to identify the key issues of high/ low importance and high/low areas of satisfaction. The responses and results will also be used to assist in the development of the new Community Strategic Plan to be adopted by Council in June 2022.
In the past five years there has been an overall increase of satisfaction with Council, with a statistical mean (or average) of 3.24 out of 5, up from 3.19 out of 5 in 2016. However, there are still areas indicating need for great improvement which are highly important to residents including water supply, Council being transparent, promotion of business establishment and growth of our Shire, opportunity to participate in Council decision-making and support for existing industry and businesses. In contrast, we also have areas where residents are very satisfied with Council’s service offering, particularly our swimming pools, library services, Narrandera Sports Stadium, Narrandera/Leeton Airport and playing fields. There is continued importance placed on water supply, maintain local streets/lanes and roads, Narrandera/Leeton Airport, maintaining footpaths and emergency management.
Council continues to engage the public through communications using various platforms and urges residents to actively visit Council’s website and ‘Have Your Say’, monitor Council’s Facebook page, listen to Spirit FM’s community announcements, and read Council’s monthly newsletter in the Narrandera Argus which now is also offered as print and mail newsletter to residents.
Our Council and Councillors are here to assist you in matters relating to Council and Narrandera Shire. You are encouraged to reach out to them regarding any issues or matters of concern you may have. Contact details are listed on Council’s website or you can contact Chambers to arrange an appointment with any Councillor or senior management member.
Regarding the water supply issues, after reaching out to 236 residents regarding water supply issues, Council has recently completed installation of 30 water filtration units and has 68 further requests for filters to be installed.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. Council values your opinion on these important issues and are using this feedback to act.