The Narrandera Youth Advisory Council provides our young people the opportunity to have a say in their future. We bring together people who are aged 12-21 and live, work, study or play in Narrandera, to create a strong future for our kids.
Narrandera Youth Advisory Councillors
Youth Mayor: Wesley Bamblett
Youth Deputy Mayor: Wesley Bamblett
Youth Councillors: Alyssa Sanders, Memphis Singh and Madeline Fraser
What We Do
- Promote and advocate the interests of our youth and make recommendations to Council on matters affecting young people and the community
- Connect with others to give opinions on matters affecting our community
- Encourage and support youth to become involved in creating new opportunities and projects
- Create programs and activities to raise awareness in issues impacting our young people
Meetings are held the first Monday of every month alternating between Narrandera Shire Council Chambers 141 East Street and Narrandera Library 39-51 East Street, starting at 4.30pm.

Youth Councillors recently met with Deputy General Manager Infrastructure, Shane Wilson, at the Lake Talbot Water Park to discuss the project plans for the new splash park, removal of the Island Pool, changes to the Rampage Pool and the new walk in Toddler Pool.
Working with the Youth Advisory Council, who represent young people, helps us to gain feedback from an even more diverse representation of the community.