At the 18 April Council meeting, Council considered the Narrandera Business Centre Master Plan - Stage 1B - East Street for exhibition purposes.
Council adopted the Narrandera Business Centre Master Plan (NBCMP) in July 2015 and completed the detailed design of the master plan April 2017. The area of Stage 1B was originally designed and approved as a full shared zone in which there would have been an unobstructed mix of pedestrians and vehicles. This design when discussed with Council raisied safety concerns and the design was revisited, firstly to improve the safety and, secondly be considerate to the available funds to undertake the improvements.
Spiire Group has undertaken a review of the design and presents the amended design for consideration.
The document is now on exhibition from 9am Monday 24 April 2023 and can be viewed on Council’s website or at Council’s Administration Centre at 141 East Street, Narrandera.
- A community Information Session is being held 5pm Wednesday 10 May at The Emergency Operations Centre, 17 - 21 Twynan Street Narrandera.
Written submissions are invited and will be received until 4pm Monday 22 May 2023.
Persons making submissions should note that all submissions will be provided to Councillors within the Ordinary business paper which is available to all members of the community.
All comments should be addressed to the General Manager, Narrandera Shire Council, 141 East Street, Narrandera NSW 2700.
George Cowan, General Manager