Narrandera Shire Council is excited to announce the schedule for this year’s Listening Posts – a series of community meetings designed to foster direct communication between the residents of Narrandera Shire and their Council representatives.
The Listening Posts provide a unique opportunity for community members to engage in open dialogue with Councillors and senior management. These sessions aim to update the public on the progress of ongoing projects, address current issues, and discuss emerging and ongoing concerns within the community.
At the Extraordinary Council meeting on 8 May 2024, the Council adopted the following documents for public exhibition seeking community comment for 28 days:
Proposed Operational Plan 2024-25 as presented.
Proposed Revenue Policy 2024-25 as presented.
Proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024-25 as presented.
Proposed Long-Term Financial Plan 2024-34; and
After the 28-day public exhibition period further consider these strategic and financial documents on 18 June 2024 meeting, in conjunction with any community submissions received.
The documents are displayed on the website and at the administration building, 141 East Street, Narrandera.
Schedule of Listening Posts:
Grong Grong Hall
Date: Monday, 20 May 2024.
Time: 7:00 PM.
Balaro Street, Grong Grong.
Barellan District & War Memorial Club
Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2024.
Time: 7:00 PM.
60 Bendee Street, Barellan.
Sandigo Hall
Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024.
Time: 10:00 AM.
7499 Sturt Highway, Sandigo.
Narrandera EOC
Date: Thursday, 23 May 2024.
Time: 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
17 Twynam Street, Narrandera.
The Council encourages all residents to take advantage of these sessions to voice their opinions, learn about the work being done by the Council, and contribute to the shaping of their community’s future.
For more information, please contact Narrandera Shire Council at 02 6959 5510 or email council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au
We look forward to seeing you there and hearing your valuable input.